Corso di Tera Mai Sakara II e III con Kathleen Milner
02ottTutto il giorno03Corso di Tera Mai Sakara II e III con Kathleen Milner
Dettagli dell'evento
For the english version click here Le iniziazioni a ™Tera Mai Sakara – Terra, Aria, Fuoco, Acqua & Etere – elevano
Dettagli dell'evento
For the english version click here
Le iniziazioni a ™Tera Mai Sakara – Terra, Aria, Fuoco, Acqua & Etere – elevano l’energia di guarigione e l’efficacia del Golden ™Tera Mai Reiki & ™Tera Mai Akasha Seichem, espandendo ulteriormente gli elementi di Terra, Fuoco, Acqua, Aria e Etere ed aumentando sensibilmente la capacità di guarigione dell’iniziato.
Vuoi saperne di più su Sakara? Ecco qui un approfondimento!
Pre-requisiti per partecipare al seminario:
i tre livelli di Golden ™Tera Mai Reiki & ™Tera Mai Akasha Seichem
600 Euro
- il costo NON include l’apprendimento di come trasmettere le nuove iniziazioni a Sakara.
earth, air, fire, water & ether initiations
Wednesday October 2nd / Thursday October 3rd
Pre-requisites to be able to participate in this seminar:
the three levels of Golden ™Tera Mai Reiki & ™Tera Mai Akasha Seichem
600 Euro
- the cost DOES NOT include learning how to give the new Sakara initiations.
™Tera Mai Sakara – earth, air, fire, water & ether – initiations elevate the healing energy and capabilities of Golden ™Tera Mai Reiki & ™Tera Mai Akasha Seichem, further expanding the elements of fire, water, air and ether, and increasing what the elemental healing energy is able to do.
La prima di queste fette viene a sua volta divisa in 6 parti che rappresentano i primi tre livelli di Reiki e di Seichem. Questo viene fatto per permettere al corpo energetico dell’iniziato di abituarsi alle energie di guarigione elementali in maniera graduale.
Sakara II° altro non è che la seconda fetta della torta, ovvero la seconda iniziazione alle energie di guarigione degli elementi (Acqua, Aria, Fuoco, Terra, Etere).
Sakara III° è la terza fetta della torta, cioè la terza iniziazione alle energie di guarigione degli elementi (Terra, Fuoco, Acqua, Aria, Etere).
Think of Sakara as a pie that has been cut into 3 sections.
The first section consists of 3 smaller slices, which represent the 3 Tera Mai Seichem initiations (the first attunements into Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether). This allows the initiate to gradually integrate the elemental healing energies.
The second section is the Sakara II initiations (the second Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether attunement).
The third section is the Sakara III initiations.(the third Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether attunement).
The primary reason for receiving these initiations is self-healing and healing others.
Those attuned into these higher vibrations of fire, air and water are able to facilitate considerable clearing and healing for others. However, these higher initiations are not for individuals who have deep, unresolved mental, emotional or spiritual issues. People who have unaddressed, underlying issues are better off being initiated into self-healing energies of Tera Mai Reiki and/or the Tera Mai Heart Chakra initiations and working with these energies.
Did you receive Sakara II & III before June 2018?
In June 2018 the Sakara II & III – because of abuse by some instructors – became empty shells of what they once were and were replaced by new initiations.
The new Tera Mai™ Sakara II & III initiations are pure and powerful, also including the energies of ether. At the moment Kathleen Milner is the only one to pass them on and she will re-initiate you on a donations are accepted bases.
To register or for information call the following number + 39 347 108 9412 or send an email to [email protected]
The course will take place at Centro Agrituristico Eliantemo. At the gates of the beautiful town of Spoleto, Eliantemo provides an oasis of peace where to gather for the class and relax during spare time.
Further information on accommodation Per maggiori informazioni sul dove dormire
ottobre 2 (Mercoledì) - 3 (Giovedì)